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/ The Macintosh Demo Applications CD / Apple-MacintoshDemoApplicationsCD-1.0-1992.iso / More Information / Publish It! Easy 2.2 / Easy!•Help / Easy!•Help.rsrc / PICT_26555_Creating (5 of 5).png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1991-10-29  |  86KB  |  816x1056  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: reckoner | sky
OCR: Creating Slide Show of 5) Auto Start at Open If this option is checked, the slide show automatically starts when open the file When you open the file, the slid. show will automatically start, bypassing the pull-down menus When the slide show c over Easy will return to where if was started. Slide Border in White Puts white border around the slides. . If you select this option PUBLISH IT! EASY will display your slides with a white border around them. Color Slide Show Displays the slide show in color. if you've designe your slide or document, with color, turn this option off when displaying on black and white monitor. Show Arrow Pointer Leaves the arrow pointer on screen. Some times it is helpful have the arrow pointer on screen when you want to us it as an indicator, or pointer, during the s ...